
Get your readers to subscribe to your content

You update your content regularly. You want your users to come back when that happens: allow them to subscribe to your content. It's as easy as adding a button to any page where you want to allow subscriptions. Make sure your page links to a feed corresponding to the data your readers will subscribe to.

Copy and paste the code below into any HTML page.

What this does is quite simple: when the user clicks the button, it loads a small Javascript snippet located at This snippet will then load the SubToMe modal. Feel free to check the code if you want to learn more.

By default, this will use the current page's URL, as well as any feed placed in the <head> section.

Easy way

If you use Wordpress for your blog, just add this SubToMe widget to your layout, or look for SubToMe in your dashboard's 'Install Plugins' interface.

Custom feed per button

SubToMe supports HTML5 data attributes so that you can customize the feed associated with any button. You can add the following to any button:

Of course, this is 100% open, which means that you can change that code in any way you want, or use other mechanisms that fit your needs. Feel free to get in touch if you need help.

Suggested service

It is also possible for a publisher to recommend a specific application for their visitors. This allows them to promote what they think is the best tool, while still letting the user eventually pick the tool of their choice.

Fully customized example

This button: will let you follow Superfeedr's Blog using Feedbin as the recommended reader. Feel free to check the HTML source to see exactly how it looks like!